The past, present & future of Notion AI

Hear about learnings from the launch of Notion AI, new features, and where Notion AI is headed next.




10:00 am
20/09/2023 10:00 (GMT+1)


10:30 am
20/09/2023 10:30 (GMT+1)


Join Notion's AI PMM, David Tibbitts, who will reflect on learnings from the Notion AI launch, present a live demo of new features, and host a live Q&A.


David Tibbitts

Product Marketing Manager
at Notion

Here's what we'll cover

Learnings from launch

We shipped a generally available AI product before any of our competitors — which meant we skipped a lot of steps, and made a few mistakes.

New features and a live product demo

We'll explore some use cases for enterprise companies, and run through a live demo of our newest AI feature: AI Autofill.

The future of Notion AI and a live Q&A

David will give some predictions about where Notion AI is headed next, and address questions from the audience.